Earth & Me
Biodegradable Organic
Bamboo Baby Tape Diapers

Made with love and 100% organic bamboo, biodegradable and free of harmful chemicals, perfect for your baby!

Why Bamboo?

Bamboo baby diapers offer a multitude of benefits that make them an excellent choice for parents seeking a more eco-friendly and gentle option for their little ones.

About Our Bamboo Tape Diapers

A unique combination of all the goodness just for your loving baby!

Soft, Comfy & Breathable

100% Bamboo Fibre


Unscented & Unprinted

Hypoallergenic & Free From Nasty Chemicals

Highly Absorbent & Leak Proof

Gentle & Free of Harsh Chemicals

Our bamboo diapers were developed with your baby’s sensitive and delicate skin in mind. They are completely free of any nasty chemicals!

NO Chlorine
Dioxin is a known toxic chemical by-product of the bleaching process that can harm the reproductive and developmental systems, as well as the immune system and interfere with our hormones.
NO Dyes

Back sheets left unprinted to reduce petroleum-based dyes and other chemicals that can cause skin irritation and diaper rash.

NO Latex

Made without latex to reduce any incidents of latex allergy-related health problems like hives, eczema & asthma symptoms.

NO Fragrance

There are no fragrances added to our diapers which can expose babies to harmful chemicals and skin irritation.

NO Heavy Metals

Our diapers contain no toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic that are harmful to babies.

NO Optical Brighteners

Our diapers are free of optical brighteners lowering the risk of allergic skin reactions and long-term health problems.

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